Weeknotes 15/03/24

Pete Ward
1 min readMar 15, 2024

Despite being off sick for a week, and dosed up with antibiotics and steroids, I’m back with weeknotes…

What went well…

- I made it through the week! Having been off sick last week, I definitely didn’t take this for granted. I paced myself (something that doesn’t come naturally!) and still managed a trip up to Leeds.

- I had some feedback that some of the changes we’ve made on Digital Medicines are already paying off. This made me feel really good.

What didn’t

- I haven’t managed to get all of my work handed over as cleanly as I’d like. I think this might be because I’m a bit of a perfectionist, but also because I had slightly unrealistic expectations. I’ll be doing a few weeks of extra work to get us closer to where I want to be.

- I didn’t get as much time to plan ahead for the new role as I’d hoped, and am behind on emails.

- I’m stressing about deadlines (again). Working with my coach helped me break some of this down, so I can understand it better. Some of it I just need to sit with and accept.


- I’m excited about starting my new role as Delivery Director. I’m inheriting a massive opportunity space, with some great foundations. We’re at a place where we can go two ways with our strategy and business cases, and already have more demand than we can cope with (Which is a sign of the great work the team has done so far!).

